Friday, October 21, 2011

San Francisco's Anchor Steam Beer (8.5 out of 10)

Anchor Steam Beer beer has been brewed in San Francisco since 1896. This is a "steam" beer, or California common beer, but essentially its a lager. Anchor Steam has a 4.90% ABV. I have been drinking this beer for about 5 years, and it's a great flavorful go-to beer. It has really nice golden color, with a bit of haze. I would say it is light-medium bodied, and has a perfect balance of malt/hops/caramelly flavor, with a great finish. I recommend this beer to anyone who digs lagers, or flavorful lighter beers. 
                                                                                      The Real San Francisco Treat

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pabst Blue Ribbon....Ya thats right, Say Something. (8.5 out of 10)

So just finished up a 9 hour day in a hot, busy kitchen. I came home an popped open a ice cold PBR. Whats more American than that? Nothing, exactly. After a long, hard day of doing whatever it is you do, you want something cold, refreshing, light and alcoholic. Pabst Blue Ribbon is exactly that. This is by far my favorite mass produced, commercial, American beer. I would take a PBR any day over a Bud, Miller, Coors, or anything else in that category. Not saying that those beers aren't good, they are just not for me.
                                               If it's good enough for Clint, it's good enough for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Maudite Belgian Ale Review........So GOOD!!! (9.5 out of 10)

So today I tried out Maudite, a Belgian style Ale brewed in Quebec, Canada. Wow!!! This was an awesome beer. I bought this beer in a 1pt/9.4 oz. bottle, and as far as I know that is the only way to get it other than on tap around here. It is 8% alcohol per volume. This was an incredibly smooth beer, packed with flavor. It poured a smokey amber-brownish color with plenty of haze. Tasting this beer, I tasted dark fruit tones followed by lighter citrus sweet, fruit flavor. Maudite is extremely crisp, refreshing, and has great mouth-feel. The guys with Blue Collar Beer Reviews of VT, and I highly recommend you try this if you haven't already.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkinhead Ale by Shipyard Brewing Co. (5 out of 10)

First off, the rating 5 out of 10 is more based on pumpkin flavored beers, as opposed to beers as in general. Well it's fall, Oktoberfest time, and a time for many seasonal beers. I tried Shipyards Pumpkinhead Ale a few years back, but just had it again a few days ago. It is golden/amber colored ale, and has a nice spice smell to it. In tasting it was very light compared to some pumpkin ales, and found it to be a little to much carbonation for my taste. This ale does have pumpkin/cinnamon  flavors, but not in the ratios I prefer in others of it's sort. Pumpkinhead Ale has a 5.10% alcohol content. I know some people who really like this beer, and other who don't care for it at ALL.  I guess I am somewhere in the middle, Love it or Leave it

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sea Dog Apricot Wheat Beer (6 out of 10)

Sea Dog Brewing Co. out of Maine put out many varieties of beer, many of which are pretty delicious. Their Apricot Wheat isn't a bad beer, but compared to other apricot flavored beers I have tried I was not so impressed. I would describe it as an amber, semi sweet, somewhat sour/tart beer. It has a 4.6% alcohol content. The apricot flavor tastes less like it was brewed with apricots, but more as an flavor additive. If your looking to try an apricot flavored beer, and who isn't, I would recommend DogFish Head's Aprihop. It's a IPA brewed with apricots, very flavorful, and 7% alcohol.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale....Try Something Different (9 out of 10)

Sierra Nevada puts out many awesome beers IMO, but their Bigfoot Bareleywine Ale is really something to try!
Now if you have never tried a barely wine, or a barley wine style ale you are missing out. Barley wines in general have a very high alcohol content, similar to wine, and have a amber to darker reddish-brown color. Which is the case with Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Ale. Bigfoot is fruity, semi sweet, and rather hoppy in taste with a alcohol content of 9.6%. This ale is put out for a few months every year, so get it while you can. It's a great fall/winter beer, sure to warm you up.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vermonts Long Trail Triple Bag (8 out of 10)

This is a Long Trail limited brew, they put it out every year for a short amount of time.You can only buy in 4-packs, and on draft where available. It's a high malt version of their Double Bag, and has a 9.2% alcohol content.  If you like weak beer, with no flavor you will not like this beer. It's a malty-full bodied beer, with a little bit of sweetness. Easy to drink, and gets you rocked, in a good way. I highly recommend it! Get it while you can.  

Monday, October 10, 2011

New Limited Beer by Long Trail...In Vermont Only!!! Profits to Help Aid Hurricane Irene Relief Programs

The Long Trail Brewing Company of Vermont, is putting out a limited new brown ale called "Goodnight Irene". I have heard that it is tasty, chocolate/caramel notes perfect for fall in VT. Plan on trying it tomorrow.  Plus, profits are going to help hurricane Irene relief groups, and they need the help. Parts of the state are still in shambles. So come to Vermont, and drink some beers! 

                            Route 4 Mendon, Vermont - The Road to Long Trail, It's Fixed Now

Take one of my cats, I will pay you 5 bucks, and throw in a can of cat food.

For real, if you are the Vermont area, and want or need a cat and can provide a good home, let me know. I have three and they are ridiculous. One has been my cat for years, and the other two just kinda showed up. Got a baby on the way, and really could do with one less orphan cat. They are babes, but as they say, all good things must come to an end.